
Candace Slater

Ph. D., Stanford University, 1975. (Professor) Research interests: Brazilian Literature and Culture; Latin American folk and popular traditions.

Anthony Cascardi

Anthony J. Cascardi (B.A., Princeton University; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University), works on literature and philosophy, aesthetic theory, and early modern literature, with an emphasis on Spanish, English, and French. He teaches courses on Cervantes, literature and philosophy, aesthetic theory and the early modern period, and served for a decade as Berkeley’s Dean of Arts and Humanities. He holds joint appointments in the Department of Comparative Literature and the Department of Rhetoric. Among his books are Cervantes, Literature, and the Discourse of Politics, The...

Charles Faulhaber

Yale University, B.A. in Latin American Studies (1963) ΦBK, Summa cum laude; M.Phil. (1969), Ph.D. (1969) in Romance Philology. University of Wisconsin, Madison, M.A. in Spanish Language and Literature (1966). Research interests: Medieval Spanish literature, digital humanities, codicology, paleography.

Selected Publications

PhiloBiblon. General Editor. 1.1–. Berkeley: University Library, 1997– [including: Bibliografía Española de Textos Antiguos (BETA), Bibliografia de Textos Catalans Antics (BITECA), and Bibliografia de Textos Antigos Galegos e...

Jerry Craddock

Education: University of California, Berkeley, 9/61-6/65, Ph.D. 6/67

Research: historical grammar of Spanish, medieval Spanish literature, colonial literature of the Southwest.


Romance Philology, Volume 60 (2006) Homage Issue. Special Combined Issue of Romance Philology In Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Romance Philology: A homage volume dedciated to Jerry R. Craddock, containing a selection of his obra dispersa on Romance historical linguistics.

Palabra de rey...