Degrees Granted (2000-Present)

The following table chronologically lists Ph.D. degrees conferred from 2000 to present.

For degrees granted before 2000, pages are available here:

2000 Álvarez, Pilar La casa y la nación en la escritura de Donoso, Eltit, Skármeta y Allende. Masiello
2000 Filipczak de Grynberg, Marek Valle-Inclán y la Farsa. Estudio genérico de Tablado de marionetas y La Marquesa Rosalinda. Dougherty
2000 Loustau, Laura Cuerpos y textos en tránsito: un acercamiento a la literatura latina y latinoamericana en Estados Unidos. Kirkpatrick
2000 Rivas, Victor Robert El testimonio posmoderno de Ali Gómez García: Prototexto del contratiempo. Rabasa
2000 Santos, Vivaldo Andrade dos A Figuração Intima da Modernidade: Uma Leitura da Poesia de Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Slater / Kirkpatrick
2000 Sosa-Ramírez, Manuel Spanish and Latin American “New Theater.” A comparative study, 1960’s-1970’s. Dougherty
2000 Waisman, Sergio Gabriel Theorizing Translation: Borges, Displacement, and Irreverence. Masiello
2001 A’Ness, Francine Mary The Production of a National Playwright: Sabina Berman, Her Audience, and the Changing Mexico City Stage. Masiello
2001 Barahona Morales, Byron Antonio Surrealismo etnográfico, narrativa de la heterogeneidad y ruptura del significado como dispositivos de la moral en la obra de Miguel Angel Asturias. Rabasa
2001 Callahan, Laura Michele Spanish/English Codeswitching in Fiction: A Grammatical and Discourse Function Analysis. Azevedo
2001 Chisholm, Kimberly Maternal Voice in the Fiction of Carmen Martín Gaite. Bergmann
2001 Falabella, María Soledad ¿Qué será de Chile en el cielo? Poema de Chile de Gabriela Mistral Ramos / Masiello
2001 Galleno, Lucia Angela Los “Años de la Violencia” en el Perú: Cultura y Representación. Masiello / Dougherty
2001 Hamilton, Michelle The go between in medieval Spanish, Hebrew and Arabic. Faulhaber / Monroe
2001 Marsh, Catherine La negociación de la cultura en una nación sin estado: La producción cultural de la División de Educación de la Comunidad del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico (1948-1968) Masiello
2001 Nones, Alexandra Carolina Mártires del hogar: El inicio de la novelística femenina decimonónica en Venezuela y Puerto Rico. Kirkpatrick
2001 Robles-Sáez, Adela The Poetic Image: Iconic Relations between Form and Meaning in Spanish Poetry. Dougherty
2001 Ticas, Sonia Historia, feminismo y literatura: Escritoras Salvadoreñas, 1920-1960. Pérez
2002 Borge, Jason Representations of US Popular Culture in 20th-Century Latin American Narrative. Ramos
2002 Ferreira, Rocío Cocina eléctica: mujeres, cultura y nación en el Perú decimonónico. Kirkpatrick / Masiello
2002 Rodriguez, Eusebio Nación indómita: delimitación político-literaria en la obra de José Revueltas. Rabasa
2002 Guardiola, Christina Power and Ideology in Fifteenth Century Castilian Narratives: the Chivalric Biography Navarrete
2002 Romero, Oscar Science Fiction and the Critique of Modernity – from the Periphery: A Study of Selected Works y Nineteenth-Century Latin American Writers. Kirkpatrick
2002 Surwillo, Lisa Copyright and Context: The Intellectual Property of Nineteenth-Century Spanish Theater. Dougherty
2003 Lifshey, Adam Michael Specters of America Hauntings of a Common Continental Literature. Rabasa / Kirkpatrick
2003 More, Anna Herron Colonial Baroque: Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora and the Post-Colonization of New Spain. Rabasa / Cascardi
2003 Wacks, David Asa Framing Iberia: The Medieval Iberian Frametale Tradition. Faulhaber
2004 Demeuse, Sarah Aesthetic Theory in 20th-century Spain: “Style” in José Ortega y Gasset, María Zambrano and Eugenio d’Ors. Cascardi
2004 Munjic, Sanda Patriarchal Love Discourse as a Model of Perversion: Violence and Psychoanalysis. Bergmann
2004 Banga, Fabian Brujos, espiritistas y vanguardistas: la representación del esoterismo y el epiritualismo en las obras de Roberto Arlt, Vicente Huidobro y Ramó Valle Inclán. Masiello
2004 Caso, Nicole Practicing Memory in Central American Literature: Reflections on History, Space and Language. Rabasa
2004 Del Valle, Ivonne Escrituras globales y escrituras fronterizas: encuentros y desencuentros de proyectos indigenas y misioneros en las fronteras de la Nueva España. Rabasa
2004 Portnoy, Sarah The Incest Ballad of Delgadina: Oral Tradition from Medieval Spain to Latin America. Navarette
2005 Cortijo, Adelaida Teoría política y poder en la literatura medieval castellana (siglos XIII-XV). Faulhaber
2005 De Caterina, Linda Antonio Tabucchi y la narrative latinoamericana. Tarica
2005 Jeftanovic, Andrea La representation de la infancia en la literatura ibero-americana contemporanea. Masiello
2005 Monder, Samuel Ficciones Filosoficas. Narrativa y discurso teorico en la obra de Jorge Luis Borges y Macedonio Fernandez. Masiello
2005 Pellegrini, Marcelo La Contemplación de la Muerte. Poeticas del Origen en la Obra de Gabriela Mistral, Jose Gorostiza, Emilio Adolfo Westphalen y Gonzalo Rojas. Masiello
2005 Ramirez, Nelson “Novela total” y “Novela joven” en el Perú: ciudad, ideologia e identidad. Tarica
2005 Reyna, Ivan El encuentro de Cajamarca: historia de una historia. Rabasa
2005 Strolle, Martha Murder in the Palace: A Brief History. Craddock/Rabasa
2005 Barry-Waag, Kathleen The Early Novels of Montserrat Roig: Ramona adéuEl temps de les cireres and L’hora violeta: An Approach to Contemporary Catalonia and Catalan Women Writers. Dougherty
2005 Ishikawa, Ryusuke Japanese and Chinese Immigrants as Subjects and Writers in the Latin American Literary Map. Rabasa
2005 Lledó-Guillem, Vicente La adopción de las ideas humanistas sobre la lengua en el contexto lingüístico castellano y catalán. Faulhaber/Navarrete
2005 Quinn, Mary Becker Nostalgic Identities: Song, Narrative, and the “Moor” in Early Modern Spanish Literature. Navarrete
2006 Baler, Pablo Los sentidos de la distorsión: Fantasías epistemológicas del neobarroco. Cascardi
2006 Costa e Silva, Valeria A Modernidade nos Tropicos: Gilberto Freyre e os Debates em Torno de Nacional. Passos
2006 Purkey, Lynn Nuevo Romanticismo and the Reception of Russian Literature: Integrating Dehumanized and Social Art. Dougherty
2006 Farmer, Julia The Macrotextual Poetics of Imperial Disillusionment in Early Modern Spain and Italy. Navarrete
2007 Altamirano, Nicole Taking Back the Thread: Revisionist Mythmaking in the Poetry of Spanish Women Writers from the 1920s – 1940s. Bergmann
2007 Brenneis, Sara Genre Fusion: The Convergence of Fiction and History in Post-Franco Literature from the Margins. Bergmann
2007 Ernst, Kirsten “Rios, pontes e overdrives”: Northeastern Regionalism in a Globalized Brazil. Slater
2007 Propson, Drew Landscape in Modern Latin American Literature and Visual Arts. Rabasa
2008 Adão, Deolinda As Herdeiras do Segredo: As Personagens Femininas nos Romances de Inês Pedrosa. Passos
2008 Arce, Bridget The Female Body as Literary Trope in Mexico, the Caribbean and Argentina. Masiello/Rabasa
2008 Villamil-Acera, Rakhel La construcción del diálogo teatral en el teatro cómico español (1898 – 1936): el discurso humorístico en el contexto social. Azevedo
2008 Melo, Alfredo Cesar A (des)construção do povo: Romance experimental e representação do popular na literatura brasileira do suclo XX. Passos/Azevedo
2008 Montes, Sonia Poesía indígena contemporánea de México y Chile. Azevedo/Masiello
2008 Schoellkopf, Sarah Blurring the Binaries: Gender, Framing, Performance, and Memory in Argentina’s
Post-dictatorship Culture.
2008 Triplette, Stacey Pagans, Monsters, and Women in the Amadis Cycle. Navarrete
2009 González, Mónica Transepistemología subalterna en Rubén Darío y José Martí: Estéticas modernistas y modernidades imperialistas en Chile y Nueva York. Ramos/Saldivar
2009 Losada, Matthew Avatars of a Binary: Civilization or Barbarism from Sarmiento to Contemporary Spain. Dougherty
2009 Moody, Sarah Modern Form in the Periphery: Poetics, Urban Space, and Gender in Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, 1880-1915. Masiello
2009 Sanz, Israel The Diachrony of New Mexican Spanish, 1683-1926: Philology, Corpus Linguistics and Dialect Change. Craddock/Azevedo
2009 Vialette, Aurélie Espacios para la cultura obrera en el siglo XIX español: Literatura, musica, representación. Iarocci
2009 Barrios Tinoco, Sonia Sobre las formas de nombrar: Construcciones del bandido en America Latina. Rosa/Iarocci
2009 Deeny, Anna Councuousness Unto Itself: The Convergence of Poetry and Thought in Latin American and U.S. Literature. Masiello
2009 Goldgel Carballo, Victor La experiencia de lo nuevo. Periódicos, moda y literatura en América Latina (1790-1860). Masiello/Ramos
2009 Herrera-Gutierrez, Yuri Los Demonios de la Mimesis: textualidad de una tragedia en el México posrevolucionario. Rabasa
2009 Márquez, Maria Fernanda In Search of the “Pure” Subject: Paul Valery, Jorge Guillén and the Problematic of the Lyric Subjectivity. Dougherty
2009 Sullivan, Kelly Hysterical Discourse and Melodrama in the Novels of Benito Pérez Galdós’s “Contemporary Series”. Iarocci
2010 Hiller, Anna Science and Literary Culture during Spain’s Edad de Plata (1923-1936). Dougherty/Azevedo
2010 Bamford, Heather Pre-Modern Iberian Fragments in the Present: Studies in Philology, Time, Representation, and Value. Rabasa/Rodríguez Velasco
2010 Daly, Tara Restless Bodies, Unquiet Minds: Poetry, Performance, and Power in the Andean Avant-Gardes. Tarica
2010 Rodríguez Corredoira, Patricia Reinventando la identidad española durante la Segunda República: Las misiones pedagógicas y el teatro profesional en las tablas madrileñas. Dougherty
2010 Shellhorse, Adam The Limits of the Letter: The Politics of Representation and Margins in Latin American Vanguard Writings of the 1950s and 60s. Martinho
2010 Isern, Dolores Genealogía de la crisis del sujeto moderno desde el Romanticismo de los treinta hasta la Generación de 1898: crisis existencial y temporalidad. Dougherty
2011 Ruiz, Eduardo Economy and Rhetoric of Exchange in Early Modern Spain. Navarrete
2011 Mesrobian, Lori Noemi Breaking the Pact of Silence: Justice and Memory in the Post-Franco Novel in Catalonia. Iarocci
2011 Nemser, Daniel Joseph Toward a Genealogy of Mestizaje: Rethinking Race in Colonial Mexico. Rabasa
2011 Reyes Arias, Alejandro Vozes dos Poroes: A literatura periférica do Brasil. Rabasa
2011 Valencia, Natalia Speaking Narratives: Subjects, Voices, and Structures. Brizuela/Azevedo
2011 Jose, Alan V. Copyrights and Literature: The Hispanic Perspective. Masiello
2011 Mateos,Ana Transatlantic Circuits of Power: A Comparative Study of Late 19th Century Caribbean and Spanish Novels. Dougherty/Iarocci
2011 Cantu,Maria Guadalupe Writing on the Edge: Impressions of U.S.-Mexico Border in Rolando Hinojosa’s Estampas del Valle. Rabsa/Passos
2011 Hong,Mirian Lee Exploring literary negotiations of culture and identity from the journal, Cultural Tropical and how Korean Brazilians construct a hybrid cultural identity. Slater
2011 Saslow,Paula Sozzi Roberto Arlt or the Subversion of Order: Confession, Madness and Modernity in Argentina in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Brizuela
2011 Schneider,Caroline Lefeber Narrative and (Meta)Physical Paradox in “Grande Sertao: Veredas” and “Pedro Paramo”. Slater
2011 Varela,Tanya V El quiebre de los dogmas: Debate feminista, transgresion y duelo en obras escogidas de Gioconda Belli, Diamela Eltit y Cristina Peri Rossi. Masiello
2012 Martinez,Maria Juliana Mirar(lo) violento: rebelion y exorcismo en la obra de Evelio Rosero. Brizuela
2012 Norberg,Paul Gunnar Evading/Invading History: Adolescent Preoccupations with Reality, the Historical Present and Popular Culture in Spanish GenX Narratives. Iarocci
2012 Southard,Donna Ann Francisco Rivero Gil: A Tale of Graphic Othering. Dougherty
2012 Young,Allen E Baroque Poetics and the Logic of Hispanic Exceptionalism. Masiello/Iarocci
2012 Zander,Jessica Selene Narratives of Contamination: Representations of Race, Gender, and Disease in Nineteenth Century Cuban Fiction. Iarocci/Ramos
2013 Chang,Julia Haeyoon From Castus to Casticism: Conceptions of Purity in Modern Spain. Iarocci
2013 Ward,Julie Ann Self, Esteemed: Contemporary Auto/biographical Theatre in Latin America. Masiello/Slater
2013 Bottaro,Mayra Gisela Temporalidad y Periodicidades impresas (1750-1870). Masiello/Iarocci
2013 Kaneyasu Maranhao,Brenno The Dialects of Formation and Conformation: the Politics of Fiction in Brazil and Argentina. Cascardi
2014 Cordero Sanchez,Luis Viaje literario con José Manuel Caballero Bonald y Fernando Quiñones. Oriente-Andalucía-Occidente: una ruta para reimaginar la Andalucía del Tardofranquismo a la Postranasición. Iarocci
2014 Pillado,Miguel Angel La ciudad de una y mil caras. Nociones de Tijuana y la identidad tijuanense. Tarica
2014 Salvatierra,Leon Alberto Política y estética del fraude en el modernismo latinoamericano: escritura, canibalismo y perdería en Azul…de Rubén Darío. Del Valle/Rosa
2014 Sprinceana,Iulia Staging History in Modern and Contemporary Spanish Drama. Dougherty
2014 Becker,Jessica Poetics of Materiality: Medium, Embodiment, Sense, and Sensation in 20th and 21st c. Latin America Masiello/Slater
2014 Moheno, Maribel La Poeta Eres Tú: Estrategias de Auto-Representación de las Poetas Mexicanas de la Segunda Mitad del Siglo XIX. Dougherty
2014 Zunguze, Jeremias Divergent Metaphors: The Intertextuality between Guimarães Rosa and Mia Couto. Slater
2015 Lopez, Ricardo Refashioning the Sociopolitical in Spanish Modernist Literature (1902-1914). Dougherty
2015 Ospina Leon, Juan Sebastian Melodramatic Modernities: Latin American Serial Fiction and Silent Film Culture, 1914-1929. Brizuela
2016 Brune, Krista Translating Brazil: From Transnational Periodicals to Hemispheric Fictions, 1808-2010 Brizuela/Slater
2016 Cuellar, Manuel Imangining a Festive Nation: Queer Embodiments and Dancing Histories of Mexico Tarica
2016 Hicks-Barlett, Alani Vows and Violence in the Medieval and Early Modern Chivalric Romances of France, Italy, and Spain Hampton
2016 Jaramillo, Camilo Amazonia: A Laboratory for Fiction Brizuela
2017 Diaz Velez, Jorge Una mirada dialéctica a las representaciones discursivas de la invasión estadounidense a Puerto Rico en 1898 Del Valle
2017 López, Flor Ivett Arrested History: War and the Social Pact in Contemporary Latin American Culture Brizuela
2017 Bailostozky, Jacqueline Aesthetics of the Surface: Post-1960s Latin America Queer Rewritings of the Baroque Masiello
2017 Zavalza Hough-Snee, Dexter Alienation in the Andes: Labor and Cultural Disenfranchisement in Colonial Peru, 1570-1640 Del Valle
2017 Thomas, Jenelle “Vous êtes hombre de bien”: A study of bilingual family letters to and from colonial Louisiana, 1748-1867 McLaughlin
2018 Martinez Yepez, Heriberto ¿Sueñan los marxistas con revoluciones aztecas? Poéticas del náhuatl y el México de Karl Marx y Walter Benjamin Del Valle
2019 Briggs Magnant, Megan The Prohibited Backward Glance: Resisting Francoist Propaganda in Novels of Female Development Bergmann
2019 Sousa Macedo, Sebastiao Indelible Poverties- Ambigious Visions of the Poor in Four Brazilian Authors Masiello/Slater
2019 Borowitz,Molly Spiritual Subjecthood and Instituional Legibility in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America Del Valle
2019 Fernandez Fernandez, Elena Raza y nación. Procesos de construcción de identidades nacionales en España (1750-1833) Iarocci
2019 Weiss, Holly Jackson Writing Spain: Race, Migration, and the Construction of the Pueblo Dougherty/Dominguez
2019 Garcia Manriquez, Hugo Crisis social en la poesía mexicana 
Del Valle
2020 Macias Prieto, Carlos Early Seventeenth Century Nahua Poetics: Domingo Chimalpahin and the Cemanahuac Archive Del Valle
2020 Roman Maldonado, Yairamaren Indebted Pasts, Alternative Futures: Caribbean Digital
Imaginations in Twenty-First Century Literature
2021 Wind, Ariel Senses of the Salón: Performance and Literary Aesthetics in Mexico City’s Spaces of Spectacle Del Valle/Masiello Abraham Yoshua Heschel School
2021 Lambe, Katherine Beyond Referentiality: New Language and Meaning in Spanish Avant-garde Novels of the Twentieth Century (and Beyond) Dougherty/Saum-Pascual
2022 Berner, Justin  Humans at the End of the World: Reimagining the Limits of the Human in Contemporary Spain Saum-Pascual NYU
2022 Fierro Obregon, Alfonso Inhabiting Utopias: Literature, Architecture, and Urban Utopianism in Post-Revolutionary Mexico (1919-1959) Brizuela Northwestern University
2022 Hernandez-Ramirez, Azucena El sonido y la cultura aural en la narrativa del fin de siglo diecinueve en México. Domínguez Arizona State, Tempe
2022 Quesado Valente Meyer, Poema The No-Space Between Brazil and Latin America: Utopia, Democracy, and Solidarity in Brazilian Literature and Culture Slater/Tarica
2023 Arevalo Viveros, Diego Fractalidad y Lenguaje en los Procesos de Conquista y Colonización del Amazonas, Siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII Navarrete Misak Universidad, Colombia
2023 De Morais Gama, Catarina Laughter and Repression in Mid-Twentieth Century Drama in Portugal and Brazil Slater/Tarica
2023 Gutierrez Topete, Ernesto Methodological, Linguistic, and Social Effects in Language Alternation: Evidence from Voice Onset Time in Spanish-English Bilinguals Davidson Pomona College
2023 Quiroz Ciriaco, Victor Dissonant Modernities. Coloniality and the Baroque in the Andes, 1749-2011 Tarica Santa Clara University
2023 Tello Barreda, Ana Fictions of Labor: Global Capitalism and Embodied Knowledge in Andean Arts and Literature Tarica Hunter College
2023 Helms, Annie Trilingual Production and Perception of Lexical Stress: Extending the Cue-weighting Transfer Hypothesis to L3 Acquisition Davidson
2024 Neyra Tercero, Delia Women’s Voices and Silences in Contemporary Central America and its U.S. Diaspora Tarica
2024 Carvalho Gimenes, Mônica Disobedience: Feminist Resistance to Feminicidal Violence in Contemporary Literature from Latin America Brizuela Boston University
2024 Patiño Romero, José The Baroque Aesthetics of Exhaustion Bergmann, Navarrete
2024 Mancilla Corona, Lorena Estrategias y Estéticas de Reciclaje Transfronterizo Tarica Stanford University