The following table chronologically lists Ph.D. degrees conferred from 2000 to present.
For degrees granted before 2000, pages are available here:
2000 | Álvarez, Pilar | La casa y la nación en la escritura de Donoso, Eltit, Skármeta y Allende. | Masiello | |
2000 | Filipczak de Grynberg, Marek | Valle-Inclán y la Farsa. Estudio genérico de Tablado de marionetas y La Marquesa Rosalinda. | Dougherty | |
2000 | Loustau, Laura | Cuerpos y textos en tránsito: un acercamiento a la literatura latina y latinoamericana en Estados Unidos. | Kirkpatrick | |
2000 | Rivas, Victor Robert | El testimonio posmoderno de Ali Gómez García: Prototexto del contratiempo. | Rabasa | |
2000 | Santos, Vivaldo Andrade dos | A Figuração Intima da Modernidade: Uma Leitura da Poesia de Carlos Drummond de Andrade. | Slater / Kirkpatrick | |
2000 | Sosa-Ramírez, Manuel | Spanish and Latin American “New Theater.” A comparative study, 1960’s-1970’s. | Dougherty | |
2000 | Waisman, Sergio Gabriel | Theorizing Translation: Borges, Displacement, and Irreverence. | Masiello | |
2001 | A’Ness, Francine Mary | The Production of a National Playwright: Sabina Berman, Her Audience, and the Changing Mexico City Stage. | Masiello | |
2001 | Barahona Morales, Byron Antonio | Surrealismo etnográfico, narrativa de la heterogeneidad y ruptura del significado como dispositivos de la moral en la obra de Miguel Angel Asturias. | Rabasa | |
2001 | Callahan, Laura Michele | Spanish/English Codeswitching in Fiction: A Grammatical and Discourse Function Analysis. | Azevedo | |
2001 | Chisholm, Kimberly | Maternal Voice in the Fiction of Carmen Martín Gaite. | Bergmann | |
2001 | Falabella, María Soledad | ¿Qué será de Chile en el cielo? Poema de Chile de Gabriela Mistral | Ramos / Masiello | |
2001 | Galleno, Lucia Angela | Los “Años de la Violencia” en el Perú: Cultura y Representación. | Masiello / Dougherty | |
2001 | Hamilton, Michelle | The go between in medieval Spanish, Hebrew and Arabic. | Faulhaber / Monroe | |
2001 | Marsh, Catherine | La negociación de la cultura en una nación sin estado: La producción cultural de la División de Educación de la Comunidad del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico (1948-1968) | Masiello | |
2001 | Nones, Alexandra Carolina | Mártires del hogar: El inicio de la novelística femenina decimonónica en Venezuela y Puerto Rico. | Kirkpatrick | |
2001 | Robles-Sáez, Adela | The Poetic Image: Iconic Relations between Form and Meaning in Spanish Poetry. | Dougherty | |
2001 | Ticas, Sonia | Historia, feminismo y literatura: Escritoras Salvadoreñas, 1920-1960. | Pérez | |
2002 | Borge, Jason | Representations of US Popular Culture in 20th-Century Latin American Narrative. | Ramos | |
2002 | Ferreira, Rocío | Cocina eléctica: mujeres, cultura y nación en el Perú decimonónico. | Kirkpatrick / Masiello | |
2002 | Rodriguez, Eusebio | Nación indómita: delimitación político-literaria en la obra de José Revueltas. | Rabasa | |
2002 | Guardiola, Christina | Power and Ideology in Fifteenth Century Castilian Narratives: the Chivalric Biography | Navarrete | |
2002 | Romero, Oscar | Science Fiction and the Critique of Modernity – from the Periphery: A Study of Selected Works y Nineteenth-Century Latin American Writers. | Kirkpatrick | |
2002 | Surwillo, Lisa | Copyright and Context: The Intellectual Property of Nineteenth-Century Spanish Theater. | Dougherty | |
2003 | Lifshey, Adam Michael | Specters of America Hauntings of a Common Continental Literature. | Rabasa / Kirkpatrick | |
2003 | More, Anna Herron | Colonial Baroque: Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora and the Post-Colonization of New Spain. | Rabasa / Cascardi | |
2003 | Wacks, David Asa | Framing Iberia: The Medieval Iberian Frametale Tradition. | Faulhaber | |
2004 | Demeuse, Sarah | Aesthetic Theory in 20th-century Spain: “Style” in José Ortega y Gasset, María Zambrano and Eugenio d’Ors. | Cascardi | |
2004 | Munjic, Sanda | Patriarchal Love Discourse as a Model of Perversion: Violence and Psychoanalysis. | Bergmann | |
2004 | Banga, Fabian | Brujos, espiritistas y vanguardistas: la representación del esoterismo y el epiritualismo en las obras de Roberto Arlt, Vicente Huidobro y Ramó Valle Inclán. | Masiello | |
2004 | Caso, Nicole | Practicing Memory in Central American Literature: Reflections on History, Space and Language. | Rabasa | |
2004 | Del Valle, Ivonne | Escrituras globales y escrituras fronterizas: encuentros y desencuentros de proyectos indigenas y misioneros en las fronteras de la Nueva España. | Rabasa | |
2004 | Portnoy, Sarah | The Incest Ballad of Delgadina: Oral Tradition from Medieval Spain to Latin America. | Navarette | |
2005 | Cortijo, Adelaida | Teoría política y poder en la literatura medieval castellana (siglos XIII-XV). | Faulhaber | |
2005 | De Caterina, Linda | Antonio Tabucchi y la narrative latinoamericana. | Tarica | |
2005 | Jeftanovic, Andrea | La representation de la infancia en la literatura ibero-americana contemporanea. | Masiello | |
2005 | Monder, Samuel | Ficciones Filosoficas. Narrativa y discurso teorico en la obra de Jorge Luis Borges y Macedonio Fernandez. | Masiello | |
2005 | Pellegrini, Marcelo | La Contemplación de la Muerte. Poeticas del Origen en la Obra de Gabriela Mistral, Jose Gorostiza, Emilio Adolfo Westphalen y Gonzalo Rojas. | Masiello | |
2005 | Ramirez, Nelson | “Novela total” y “Novela joven” en el Perú: ciudad, ideologia e identidad. | Tarica | |
2005 | Reyna, Ivan | El encuentro de Cajamarca: historia de una historia. | Rabasa | |
2005 | Strolle, Martha | Murder in the Palace: A Brief History. | Craddock/Rabasa | |
2005 | Barry-Waag, Kathleen | The Early Novels of Montserrat Roig: Ramona adéu, El temps de les cireres and L’hora violeta: An Approach to Contemporary Catalonia and Catalan Women Writers. | Dougherty | |
2005 | Ishikawa, Ryusuke | Japanese and Chinese Immigrants as Subjects and Writers in the Latin American Literary Map. | Rabasa | |
2005 | Lledó-Guillem, Vicente | La adopción de las ideas humanistas sobre la lengua en el contexto lingüístico castellano y catalán. | Faulhaber/Navarrete | |
2005 | Quinn, Mary Becker | Nostalgic Identities: Song, Narrative, and the “Moor” in Early Modern Spanish Literature. | Navarrete | |
2006 | Baler, Pablo | Los sentidos de la distorsión: Fantasías epistemológicas del neobarroco. | Cascardi | |
2006 | Costa e Silva, Valeria | A Modernidade nos Tropicos: Gilberto Freyre e os Debates em Torno de Nacional. | Passos | |
2006 | Purkey, Lynn | Nuevo Romanticismo and the Reception of Russian Literature: Integrating Dehumanized and Social Art. | Dougherty | |
2006 | Farmer, Julia | The Macrotextual Poetics of Imperial Disillusionment in Early Modern Spain and Italy. | Navarrete | |
2007 | Altamirano, Nicole | Taking Back the Thread: Revisionist Mythmaking in the Poetry of Spanish Women Writers from the 1920s – 1940s. | Bergmann | |
2007 | Brenneis, Sara | Genre Fusion: The Convergence of Fiction and History in Post-Franco Literature from the Margins. | Bergmann | |
2007 | Ernst, Kirsten | “Rios, pontes e overdrives”: Northeastern Regionalism in a Globalized Brazil. | Slater | |
2007 | Propson, Drew | Landscape in Modern Latin American Literature and Visual Arts. | Rabasa | |
2008 | Adão, Deolinda | As Herdeiras do Segredo: As Personagens Femininas nos Romances de Inês Pedrosa. | Passos | |
2008 | Arce, Bridget | The Female Body as Literary Trope in Mexico, the Caribbean and Argentina. | Masiello/Rabasa | |
2008 | Villamil-Acera, Rakhel | La construcción del diálogo teatral en el teatro cómico español (1898 – 1936): el discurso humorístico en el contexto social. | Azevedo | |
2008 | Melo, Alfredo Cesar | A (des)construção do povo: Romance experimental e representação do popular na literatura brasileira do suclo XX. | Passos/Azevedo | |
2008 | Montes, Sonia | Poesía indígena contemporánea de México y Chile. | Azevedo/Masiello | |
2008 | Schoellkopf, Sarah | Blurring the Binaries: Gender, Framing, Performance, and Memory in Argentina’s Post-dictatorship Culture. |
Rabasa/Brizuela | |
2008 | Triplette, Stacey | Pagans, Monsters, and Women in the Amadis Cycle. | Navarrete | |
2009 | González, Mónica | Transepistemología subalterna en Rubén Darío y José Martí: Estéticas modernistas y modernidades imperialistas en Chile y Nueva York. | Ramos/Saldivar | |
2009 | Losada, Matthew | Avatars of a Binary: Civilization or Barbarism from Sarmiento to Contemporary Spain. | Dougherty | |
2009 | Moody, Sarah | Modern Form in the Periphery: Poetics, Urban Space, and Gender in Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, 1880-1915. | Masiello | |
2009 | Sanz, Israel | The Diachrony of New Mexican Spanish, 1683-1926: Philology, Corpus Linguistics and Dialect Change. | Craddock/Azevedo | |
2009 | Vialette, Aurélie | Espacios para la cultura obrera en el siglo XIX español: Literatura, musica, representación. | Iarocci | |
2009 | Barrios Tinoco, Sonia | Sobre las formas de nombrar: Construcciones del bandido en America Latina. | Rosa/Iarocci | |
2009 | Deeny, Anna | Councuousness Unto Itself: The Convergence of Poetry and Thought in Latin American and U.S. Literature. | Masiello | |
2009 | Goldgel Carballo, Victor | La experiencia de lo nuevo. Periódicos, moda y literatura en América Latina (1790-1860). | Masiello/Ramos | |
2009 | Herrera-Gutierrez, Yuri | Los Demonios de la Mimesis: textualidad de una tragedia en el México posrevolucionario. | Rabasa | |
2009 | Márquez, Maria Fernanda | In Search of the “Pure” Subject: Paul Valery, Jorge Guillén and the Problematic of the Lyric Subjectivity. | Dougherty | |
2009 | Sullivan, Kelly | Hysterical Discourse and Melodrama in the Novels of Benito Pérez Galdós’s “Contemporary Series”. | Iarocci | |
2010 | Hiller, Anna | Science and Literary Culture during Spain’s Edad de Plata (1923-1936). | Dougherty/Azevedo | |
2010 | Bamford, Heather | Pre-Modern Iberian Fragments in the Present: Studies in Philology, Time, Representation, and Value. | Rabasa/Rodríguez Velasco | |
2010 | Daly, Tara | Restless Bodies, Unquiet Minds: Poetry, Performance, and Power in the Andean Avant-Gardes. | Tarica | |
2010 | Rodríguez Corredoira, Patricia | Reinventando la identidad española durante la Segunda República: Las misiones pedagógicas y el teatro profesional en las tablas madrileñas. | Dougherty | |
2010 | Shellhorse, Adam | The Limits of the Letter: The Politics of Representation and Margins in Latin American Vanguard Writings of the 1950s and 60s. | Martinho | |
2010 | Isern, Dolores | Genealogía de la crisis del sujeto moderno desde el Romanticismo de los treinta hasta la Generación de 1898: crisis existencial y temporalidad. | Dougherty | |
2011 | Ruiz, Eduardo | Economy and Rhetoric of Exchange in Early Modern Spain. | Navarrete | |
2011 | Mesrobian, Lori Noemi | Breaking the Pact of Silence: Justice and Memory in the Post-Franco Novel in Catalonia. | Iarocci | |
2011 | Nemser, Daniel Joseph | Toward a Genealogy of Mestizaje: Rethinking Race in Colonial Mexico. | Rabasa | |
2011 | Reyes Arias, Alejandro | Vozes dos Poroes: A literatura periférica do Brasil. | Rabasa | |
2011 | Valencia, Natalia | Speaking Narratives: Subjects, Voices, and Structures. | Brizuela/Azevedo | |
2011 | Jose, Alan V. | Copyrights and Literature: The Hispanic Perspective. | Masiello | |
2011 | Mateos,Ana | Transatlantic Circuits of Power: A Comparative Study of Late 19th Century Caribbean and Spanish Novels. | Dougherty/Iarocci | |
2011 | Cantu,Maria Guadalupe | Writing on the Edge: Impressions of U.S.-Mexico Border in Rolando Hinojosa’s Estampas del Valle. | Rabsa/Passos | |
2011 | Hong,Mirian Lee | Exploring literary negotiations of culture and identity from the journal, Cultural Tropical and how Korean Brazilians construct a hybrid cultural identity. | Slater | |
2011 | Saslow,Paula Sozzi | Roberto Arlt or the Subversion of Order: Confession, Madness and Modernity in Argentina in the 1920’s and 1930’s. | Brizuela | |
2011 | Schneider,Caroline Lefeber | Narrative and (Meta)Physical Paradox in “Grande Sertao: Veredas” and “Pedro Paramo”. | Slater | |
2011 | Varela,Tanya V | El quiebre de los dogmas: Debate feminista, transgresion y duelo en obras escogidas de Gioconda Belli, Diamela Eltit y Cristina Peri Rossi. | Masiello | |
2012 | Martinez,Maria Juliana | Mirar(lo) violento: rebelion y exorcismo en la obra de Evelio Rosero. | Brizuela | |
2012 | Norberg,Paul Gunnar | Evading/Invading History: Adolescent Preoccupations with Reality, the Historical Present and Popular Culture in Spanish GenX Narratives. | Iarocci | |
2012 | Southard,Donna Ann | Francisco Rivero Gil: A Tale of Graphic Othering. | Dougherty | |
2012 | Young,Allen E | Baroque Poetics and the Logic of Hispanic Exceptionalism. | Masiello/Iarocci | |
2012 | Zander,Jessica Selene | Narratives of Contamination: Representations of Race, Gender, and Disease in Nineteenth Century Cuban Fiction. | Iarocci/Ramos | |
2013 | Chang,Julia Haeyoon | From Castus to Casticism: Conceptions of Purity in Modern Spain. | Iarocci | |
2013 | Ward,Julie Ann | Self, Esteemed: Contemporary Auto/biographical Theatre in Latin America. | Masiello/Slater | |
2013 | Bottaro,Mayra Gisela | Temporalidad y Periodicidades impresas (1750-1870). | Masiello/Iarocci | |
2013 | Kaneyasu Maranhao,Brenno | The Dialects of Formation and Conformation: the Politics of Fiction in Brazil and Argentina. | Cascardi | |
2014 | Cordero Sanchez,Luis | Viaje literario con José Manuel Caballero Bonald y Fernando Quiñones. Oriente-Andalucía-Occidente: una ruta para reimaginar la Andalucía del Tardofranquismo a la Postranasición. | Iarocci | |
2014 | Pillado,Miguel Angel | La ciudad de una y mil caras. Nociones de Tijuana y la identidad tijuanense. | Tarica | |
2014 | Salvatierra,Leon Alberto | Política y estética del fraude en el modernismo latinoamericano: escritura, canibalismo y perdería en Azul…de Rubén Darío. | Del Valle/Rosa | |
2014 | Sprinceana,Iulia | Staging History in Modern and Contemporary Spanish Drama. | Dougherty | |
2014 | Becker,Jessica | Poetics of Materiality: Medium, Embodiment, Sense, and Sensation in 20th and 21st c. Latin America | Masiello/Slater | |
2014 | Moheno, Maribel | La Poeta Eres Tú: Estrategias de Auto-Representación de las Poetas Mexicanas de la Segunda Mitad del Siglo XIX. | Dougherty | |
2014 | Zunguze, Jeremias | Divergent Metaphors: The Intertextuality between Guimarães Rosa and Mia Couto. | Slater | |
2015 | Lopez, Ricardo | Refashioning the Sociopolitical in Spanish Modernist Literature (1902-1914). | Dougherty | |
2015 | Ospina Leon, Juan Sebastian | Melodramatic Modernities: Latin American Serial Fiction and Silent Film Culture, 1914-1929. | Brizuela | |
2016 | Brune, Krista | Translating Brazil: From Transnational Periodicals to Hemispheric Fictions, 1808-2010 | Brizuela/Slater | |
2016 | Cuellar, Manuel | Imangining a Festive Nation: Queer Embodiments and Dancing Histories of Mexico | Tarica | |
2016 | Hicks-Barlett, Alani | Vows and Violence in the Medieval and Early Modern Chivalric Romances of France, Italy, and Spain | Hampton | |
2016 | Jaramillo, Camilo | Amazonia: A Laboratory for Fiction | Brizuela | |
2017 | Diaz Velez, Jorge | Una mirada dialéctica a las representaciones discursivas de la invasión estadounidense a Puerto Rico en 1898 | Del Valle | |
2017 | López, Flor Ivett | Arrested History: War and the Social Pact in Contemporary Latin American Culture | Brizuela | |
2017 | Bailostozky, Jacqueline | Aesthetics of the Surface: Post-1960s Latin America Queer Rewritings of the Baroque | Masiello | |
2017 | Zavalza Hough-Snee, Dexter | Alienation in the Andes: Labor and Cultural Disenfranchisement in Colonial Peru, 1570-1640 | Del Valle | |
2017 | Thomas, Jenelle | “Vous êtes hombre de bien”: A study of bilingual family letters to and from colonial Louisiana, 1748-1867 | McLaughlin | |
2018 | Martinez Yepez, Heriberto | ¿Sueñan los marxistas con revoluciones aztecas? Poéticas del náhuatl y el México de Karl Marx y Walter Benjamin | Del Valle | |
2019 | Briggs Magnant, Megan | The Prohibited Backward Glance: Resisting Francoist Propaganda in Novels of Female Development | Bergmann | |
2019 | Sousa Macedo, Sebastiao | Indelible Poverties- Ambigious Visions of the Poor in Four Brazilian Authors | Masiello/Slater | |
2019 | Borowitz,Molly | Spiritual Subjecthood and Instituional Legibility in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America | Del Valle | |
2019 | Fernandez Fernandez, Elena | Raza y nación. Procesos de construcción de identidades nacionales en España (1750-1833) | Iarocci | |
2019 | Weiss, Holly Jackson | Writing Spain: Race, Migration, and the Construction of the Pueblo | Dougherty/Dominguez | |
2019 | Garcia Manriquez, Hugo | Crisis social en la poesía mexicana contemporánea |
Del Valle | |
2020 | Macias Prieto, Carlos | Early Seventeenth Century Nahua Poetics: Domingo Chimalpahin and the Cemanahuac Archive | Del Valle | |
2020 | Roman Maldonado, Yairamaren | Indebted Pasts, Alternative Futures: Caribbean Digital Imaginations in Twenty-First Century Literature |
Tarica | |
2021 | Wind, Ariel | Senses of the Salón: Performance and Literary Aesthetics in Mexico City’s Spaces of Spectacle | Del Valle/Masiello | Abraham Yoshua Heschel School |
2021 | Lambe, Katherine | Beyond Referentiality: New Language and Meaning in Spanish Avant-garde Novels of the Twentieth Century (and Beyond) | Dougherty/Saum-Pascual | |
2022 | Berner, Justin | Humans at the End of the World: Reimagining the Limits of the Human in Contemporary Spain | Saum-Pascual | NYU |
2022 | Fierro Obregon, Alfonso | Inhabiting Utopias: Literature, Architecture, and Urban Utopianism in Post-Revolutionary Mexico (1919-1959) | Brizuela | Northwestern University |
2022 | Hernandez-Ramirez, Azucena | El sonido y la cultura aural en la narrativa del fin de siglo diecinueve en México. | Domínguez | Arizona State, Tempe |
2022 | Quesado Valente Meyer, Poema | The No-Space Between Brazil and Latin America: Utopia, Democracy, and Solidarity in Brazilian Literature and Culture | Slater/Tarica | |
2023 | Arevalo Viveros, Diego | Fractalidad y Lenguaje en los Procesos de Conquista y Colonización del Amazonas, Siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII | Navarrete | Misak Universidad, Colombia |
2023 | De Morais Gama, Catarina | Laughter and Repression in Mid-Twentieth Century Drama in Portugal and Brazil | Slater/Tarica | |
2023 | Gutierrez Topete, Ernesto | Methodological, Linguistic, and Social Effects in Language Alternation: Evidence from Voice Onset Time in Spanish-English Bilinguals | Davidson | Pomona College |
2023 | Quiroz Ciriaco, Victor | Dissonant Modernities. Coloniality and the Baroque in the Andes, 1749-2011 | Tarica | Santa Clara University |
2023 | Tello Barreda, Ana | Fictions of Labor: Global Capitalism and Embodied Knowledge in Andean Arts and Literature | Tarica | Hunter College |
2023 | Helms, Annie | Trilingual Production and Perception of Lexical Stress: Extending the Cue-weighting Transfer Hypothesis to L3 Acquisition | Davidson | |
2024 | Neyra Tercero, Delia | Women’s Voices and Silences in Contemporary Central America and its U.S. Diaspora | Tarica | |
2024 | Carvalho Gimenes, Mônica | Disobedience: Feminist Resistance to Feminicidal Violence in Contemporary Literature from Latin America | Brizuela | Boston University |
2024 | Patiño Romero, José | The Baroque Aesthetics of Exhaustion | Bergmann, Navarrete | |
2024 | Mancilla Corona, Lorena | Estrategias y Estéticas de Reciclaje Transfronterizo | Tarica | Stanford University |