The following table chronologically lists Ph.D. degrees conferred from 1952 to 1980. Asterisks (**) after the dissertation title indicate that a copy is on file in the Departmental Library, 5125 Dwinelle.
For degrees granted before 1952, a page is available here:
For degrees granted after 1980, pages are available here:
1952 | Ellison, Fred Pittman | The Novel of Brazil’s Northeast | Torres-Rioseco |
1952 | García-Girón, Edmundo | The Adjective: A Contribution to the Study of Modernist Poetic Diction | Montesinos |
1952 | Ross, Cecilia | Lope de Vega, La hermosa Ester: An Edition with Introduction and Notes | Montesinos |
1952 | Seamans, Theodore Eugene | An Author-Theme Index to the Works of Juan Valera | Montesinos |
1953 | Estermann, Hannah | Luis Quiñones de Benavente: His Technique of the Interlude | Montesinos |
1953 | Keller, Daniel Schneck | Early Modernist Literary Theories in Spanish | Torres-Rioseco |
1953 | Schade, George Dewey, Jr. | Classical Mythology in the Modernista Poetry of Spanish America | Torres-Rioseco |
1954 | McCullough, Joe Thompson | The Spanish of Antioquian Oriente (Colombia) | Kany |
1955 | Chadwick, John Rouse | Main Currents in the Venezuelan Novel from Romero García to Gallegos | Torres-Rioseco |
1955 | Markrich, William L. | The Viaje de Turquía: A Study of its Sources, Authorship, and Historical Background | Montesinos |
1956 | Arriola, Paul Manuel | The Viaje a Jerusalem: A Contribution to the study of Spanish Travel Literature | Montesinos |
1956 | Bary, David Alan | The Poetry of Vicente Huidobro | Torres-Rioseco |
1956 | Polt, John Herman Richard | Eduardo Mallea and the Contemporary Argentine Novel | Torres-Rioseco |
1956 | Reynolds, John Joseph | A Study and Critical Edition of Tirso de Molina’s El condenado por desconfiado | Montesinos |
1956 | Rivas, Enrique Manuel de | La obra de Enrique de Mesa | Montesinos |
1956 | Very, Francis George | The Corpus Christi Procession in Spain: A Literary and Folkloric Study | Montesinos |
1957 | Anderson, Robert Roland | A Study of the Theory of the Novel in Representative Spanish-American Authors | Torres-Rioseco |
1957 | Gramberg, Eduard Johannes | El humorismo de Leopoldo Alas, “Clarín” | Montesinos |
1957 | Zeidner, Betty J. | Cervantine Aspects of the Novelistic Art of Benito Pérez Galdós | Montesinos |
1958 | Holton, James Stafford | The Evolution of Attitudes Toward the Social Classes in the Chilean Novel | Torres-Rioseco |
1960 | Allen, Rupert Clyde Jr. | Structure in the Poetry of Antonio Machado | Torres-Rioseco |
1960 | Otero, Carlos Peregrín | La poesía de Luis Cernuda | Torres-Rioseco |
1961 | Wing, George Gordon | Octavio Paz: Poetry, Politics, and the Myth of the Mexican | Torres-Rioseco |
1961 | Campbell, Brenton Kay | The Literary Themes of Ramón Pérez de Ayala | Morby |
1961 | Giles, Mary Elizabeth Gottinberg | Descriptive Artistry in the Novels of Emilia Pardo Bazán | Montesinos |
1961 | Schwartz, Rosalind J. | El Cancionero Manuscrito 3168 de la Biblioteca Nacional (siglo XVI) | Rodríguez-Moñino |
1962 | Lozada, Alfredo Ruiz | Contribución al estudio crítico de Residencia en la tierra de Pablo Neruda | Shadi |
1962 | Scott, Joseph Reid | Relativism: The Key to the Dramatic Art of Jacinto Benavente | Shadi |
1962 | Lozano, Carlos | Rubén Darío in Spain: 1892-1916 | Torres-Rioseco |
1963 | Scari, Robert Mario | La formación literaria de Lugones | Torres-Rioseco |
1963 | Askins, Arthur Lee | A Critical Edition and Study of the Cancioneiro de Evora in Manuscript CXIV/1-17, of the Public Library of Evora, Portugal | Monguió |
1963 | Randolph, Donald Allen | Eugenio de Ochoa y el romanticismo español | Monguió |
1964 | Boarino, Gerald Louis | Alonso de Cartagena’s Doctrinal de los Caballeros: Text, Tradition, and Sources | Del Piero |
1964 | Ezcurdia, Manuel de | La aparición del grupo “Contemporáneos” en la poesía y en la crítica mexicanas, 1920-1931 | Alegría |
1964 | Urbistondo, Vicente | Manifestaciones naturalistas en la novela chilena: D’Halmar, Orrego Luco, y Edwards Bello | Torres-Rioseco |
1964 | Bryant, William C. | Lucas Fernández and the Early Spanish Drama | Shadi |
1964 | Smith, Paul Clarence | Vicente Blasco Ibáñez: A Critical Survey of the Novels from 1894-1909 | Montesinos |
1965 | Koldewyn, Phillip Young | Alfonso Reyes as a Critic of Peninsular Spanish Literature | Torres-Rioseco |
1965 | Gericke, Philip Otto | The Invencionario of Alfonso de Toledo: Edition, with Introductory Study and Notes | Del Piero |
1965 | Meinhardt, Warren Lee | The Mexican Indianist Novel: 1910-1960 | Torres-Rioseco |
1965 | Vranich, Stanko | Don Juan de Arguijo (1567-1622): Su Vida | Monguió |
1966 | Hammarstrand, Robert Edward | The Comic Spirit in the Plays of Enrique Jardiel Poncela | Shadi |
1966 | Mortenson, Barbara Jeanne | The Lyrical Elements in Spanish Balladry from 1580 to 1650 | Montesinos |
1967 | Anderson, James Anthony | Juan del Encina: Aesthetics of His Poetry | Monguió |
1967 | García-Castañeda, Salvador | Las ideas literarias en España entre 1840 y 1850 | Montesinos |
1967 | Weeter, Raymond Davis | The Modern Novel of the City in Mexico | Torres-Rioseco |
1969 | MacDonald, James Kelvin | Motivos autóctonos en el pensamiento ensayístico de México en el siglo XX | Monguió |
1969 | Fainberg, Louise Olga | “Tratado sobre el título de Duque,” Ms. del siglo XV, inédito, atribuido a Juan de Mena. Edición crítica y estudio lingüístico y literario | Rodríguez-Moñino |
1969 | Gomez, Valerie Masson | The Origin of capítulo as a Metric Term, and its use in the poetry of Italy, Spain, and Portugal | Shadi |
1970 | Randolph, Julian F. | Vida y obra de Pedro Liñán de Riaza (2 vols.) | Rodríguez-Moñino |
1970 | García-Pandavenes, Elsa | El Censor (1781-1787): A Study of an Essay Periodical of the Spanish Enlightenment | Montesinos |
1971 | Brodey, Vivana | The Coplas de Mingo Revulgo: edición paleográfica y estudio en presencia de los siete manuscritos conocidos | Askins |
1971 | Miller, Norman Curtis | An Analysis of Federico García Lorca’s Poema del cante jondo | Shadi |
1972 | Hollingsworth, Charles | The Development of Literary Theory in Cuba, 1958-1968 | Monguió |
1972 | Bellver, Catherine G. | The Poetic World of Juan José Domenchina (1898-1969) | Monguió |
1972 | Bremermann, María Isabel | Ideas literarias en España de 1850 a 1860 | Monguió |
1973 | Alvarez, Nicolás Emilio | La obra literaria de Jorge Mañach (1898-1961) | Monguió |
1973 | Dimitriou, Agnes Liakos | Salvador Bermúdez de Castro en el romanticismo español | Monguió |
1973 | Marianella, Conchita Herdman | A Study of the “Doña Rodríguez” Episode of Don Quijote, Part II (1615) as Part of the Larger Theme of Dueñas and Doncellas | Monguió |
1973 | Miller, Beth Kurti | Jaime Torres Bodet’s constructive poetry: a study of Cripta and its contexts | Monguió |
1974 | Imes, Marilyn Maridyth | Short Stories of Angel de Campo (“Micros”): A Critical Evaluation | Chapman |
1974 | Norden, Ernest Elwood | The Development of Imagery and Symbol in the Works of Gabriel Miró | Morby |
1974 | Benmayor, Rina | Romances judeo-españoles de Oriente recogidos en la costa occidental de los Estados Unidos | Askins |
1975 | Lekatis, Nikolaos | Predictions and Omens in Calderón | Morby |
1975 | Sylvester, Nigel | The life and Poetical Works of Jorge Cuesta (Mexico, 1903-1942) | Monguió |
1975 | Cozad, Mary Lee | An Annotated Edition of a Sixteenth Century Novel of Chivalry: Damasio de Frías y Balboa’s Lidamarte de Armenia; with introductory study (4 vols.) | Askins |
1976 | Carpenter, Dwayne Eugene | Biblical Elements in the Libro de buen amor | Shadi |
1976 | Mauleón, Judith Hosler | El Romancero de Barcelona (Ms. 125 de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Barcelona), Edición y Estudio | Askins |
1977 | Black, Robert Greenough | The Fifteenth Century Spanish Cancionero Ms. Esp. 226 of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (Edition and Study) | Askins |
1977 | Greco, Mary Elizabeth | Luis Hurtado de Toledo: A Bibliographical- Critical Study and an Edition of his Trecientas en Defensa de illustres mugeres | Morby |
1977 | Smith, Richard Taylor | The Patinuples, Conde de Bles. A Bibliographical and Critical Study of the Earliest Known Edition, Its Sources and Later Structural Modifications | Askins |
1977 | Teleki, Beatriz Eggers | La poesía argentina de Evaristo Carriego | Monguió |
1978 | Boulware-Miller, Patricia | Nature in Three Negrista Poets: Nicolás Guillén, Emilio Ballagas and Luis Palés Matos | Chapman |
1978 | Bergquist, Inés | El narrador en la novela histórica española de la época romántica | Polt |
1978 | Geist, Anthony | La poética de la Generación del 27 y las revistas literarias: De la vanguardia al compromiso (1918-1936) | Monguió |
1978 | Vegas-García, María Irene | Sobre la estructura del lenguaje poético de César Vallejo en Trilce | Monguió |
1979 | Ramírez, Frank Anthony | Tratado de la comunidad (Biblioteca de El Escorial Ms. S-11-8) | Walsh |
1979 | Riss, Barbara Ann | Pero Díaz de Toledo’s Proverbios de Séneca: An Annotated Edition of Ms. S-II-10 of the Escorial Library | Walsh |
1979 | Rubio de la Llave, Carlos | Lectura semántica de La Celestina | Faulhaber |
1979 | Urbina, Eduardo | Sancho Panza ‘escudero sin par,’ Parodia y creación en Don Quijote (1605-1615) | Murillo |
1979 | González, Bernardo Antonio | The Evolution of Juan Goytisolo’s Narrative Technique: Time, Character, and Point of View | Dougherty |
1979 | Handy, Otis | The Spanish American décima and Nicomedes Santa Cruz | Durand |
1980 | Beane, Carol Anne | The Characterization of Blacks and Mulattoes in Selected Novels from Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru | Chapman |
1980 | Rivkin, Laura Madelaine | Eclectic Naturalism in the Novels of Leopoldo Alas, “Clarín” (2 vols.) | Polt |