Alex Saum-Pascual is a (digital) poet, and professor. She is author of #Postweb! Crear con la máquina y en la red (Iberoamericana-Vervuert 2018) and numerous articles, special issues, and book chapters on digital media and literature in the Spanish-speaking world, being...Read more about Alex Saum-Pascual
Amir received his Ph.D. in Hispanic Language and Literature from Boston University in 2020. His dissertation On the Edge: Liminal Space in the Novels of Benito Pérez Galdós was honored with the award for Best Doctoral Thesis in 2020 by the Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas (...Read more about Amir Effat
Anthony J. Cascardi (B.A., Princeton University; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University), works on literature and philosophy, aesthetic theory, and early modern literature, with an emphasis on Spanish, English, and French. He teaches courses on Cervantes, literature and philosophy, aesthetic...Read more about Anthony Cascardi
Ph. D., Stanford University, 1975. (Professor) Research interests: Brazilian Literature and Culture; Latin American folk and popular traditions.Read more about Candace Slater
Yale University, B.A. in Latin American Studies (1963) ΦBK, Summa cum laude; M.Phil. (1969), Ph.D. (1969) in Romance Philology. University of Wisconsin, Madison, M.A. in Spanish Language and Literature (1966). Research interests: Medieval Spanish literature, digital humanities, codicology...Read more about Charles Faulhaber
Dani Cádiz Bedini is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at UC Berkeley. Her research centers on hemispheric American literatures, literary exchanges, and anticolonial activism, with a focus on migrations, border crossings, and linguistic exchange. Her book project...Read more about Daniella Cádiz Bedini
Daylet Domínguez (PhD Princeton University) is an Associate Professor in the Spanish and Portuguese Department of UC Berkeley. She is a scholar of Caribbean and Latin American literature and culture, with special emphasis on travel cultures and costumbrismo; empire, nation and...Read more about Daylet Domínguez
Lecturer and Assistant Director of Language Instruction. She holds a PhD in Hispanic Languages and Literatures from UC Berkeley (2012) and a teaching degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She teaches and coordinates Spanish 3 and 4, while also occasionally teaching upper division...Read more about Donna A. Southard
Department Chair Estelle Tarica (PhD Comparative Literature, Cornell, 2000) is Professor of Latin American Literatures and Cultures and a former Chair of the Latin American Studies Program at UC Berkeley. Her research and teaching cover a diversity of topics: colonial and modern...Read more about Estelle Tarica
Francine Masiello holds the Sidney and Margaret Ancker Distinguished Professorship in the Humanities (Emerita) at the University of California, Berkeley. With a long career as a Latin Americanist, she has...Read more about Francine Masiello
Professor of Medieval and Early Modern Spanish literature, especially poetry, narrative, and poetics; literary theory. Ph. D., Indiana University, 1985. I have just finished a book on narrative culture c. 1520, as reflected in the printing of narrative works, ranging from saints’ lives to...Read more about Ignacio Navarrete
Associate Professor of Colonial Studies. She received her Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley in 2004, and before returning to the Bay Area in 2009, she taught at the University of Michigan. Her research and teaching make connections between the past and the present which try to show the relevance of the...Read more about Ivonne del Valle
Education: University of California, Berkeley, 9/61-6/65, Ph.D. 6/67
Research: historical grammar of Spanish, medieval Spanish literature, colonial literature of the Southwest.
Romance Philology, Volume 60 (...Read more about Jerry Craddock
Dr. Jhonni Carr holds a PhD in Hispanic Linguistics from the University of California, Los Angeles. She currently teaches in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of California, Berkeley and was previously a Visiting Assistant Professor at UCLA. Specializing in Spanish...Read more about Jhonni Carr
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015. Spanish Linguistics, Romance linguistics, SLATE (Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education).
Research Expertise and Interests
Sociolinguistics, contact linguistics and language...Read more about Justin Davidson
Professor of Modern Spanish Literature and Culture (18th-21st centuries). Associate Dean of Arts and Humanities. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Comparative and Transatlantic Hispanic Studies. Literature and geopolitics. Aesthetics and ideology. Critical Theory. Visual culture....Read more about Michael Iarocci
Dr. Hernández-Rodríguez received her M.A. in Hispanic Studies with a concentration in applied linguistics from the University of Illinois at Chicago where she was a recipient of two teaching awards. She obtained her Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics with a designated emphasis in Second Language...Read more about Miriam Hernandez Rodriguez
Ph.D., Spanish Literature, University of Virginia (2017)
M.A., Hispanic Studies, Villanova University (2013)
B.A., Spanish Literature, Damascus University, Syria (2011)
Research Interests
Medieval & Early Modern Iberian...Read more about Nasser Meerkhan
Natalia's work focuses on photography, film and contemporary art, critical theory and aesthetics of both Spanish America and Brazil. She is the author of two books on photography. The first, ...Read more about Natalia Brizuela
Nathaniel Wolfson is Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese and Affiliated Faculty of the Program in Critical Theory. He teaches modern and contemporary Brazilian literature and visual culture in a comparative mode. His teaching and research focus on literature, visual art, media and...Read more about Nathaniel Wolfson
Raúl Coronado is an associate professor in the Department of Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley. His teaching and research interests are in Latina/o literary and intellectual history, from the colonial period to the 1940s. In a sense, this field and period allow—indeed force—us to rethink the...Read more about Raúl Coronado
Associate Professor of Latin American and Caribbean Literature and Culture. He holds a joint appointment in the Department of Comparative Literature and serves as the Director of the Berkeley Center for New Media,...Read more about Tom McEnaney