Donna A. Southard


Assistant Director of Language Instruction

5217 Dwinelle Hall

Office Hours: W, Th 12-1 pm, or by appointment

Lecturer and Assistant Director of Language Instruction. She holds a PhD in Hispanic Languages and Literatures from UC Berkeley (2012) and a teaching degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She teaches and coordinates Spanish 3 and 4, while also occasionally teaching upper division literature courses. As a BLC Fellow, she has developed film modules for the language curriculum. Her research focuses on the interactions between graphic art and textual expression in pre-Civil War Spain. She is currently working on the Spanish translation of her dissertation, Francisco Rivero Gil: A Tale of Graphic Othering


"Brujería al servicio de eros en Ligazón: auto para siluetas de Ramón del Valle Inclán," Universitas Castellae: 2022–23 (anticipated).

"Epílogo: El MAS a la luz de la Doble luna de Casimiro Sainz." Santander: Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de Santander, 2022–23 (anticipated)