
Oscar Perea Rodriguez

Lecturer 5212 Dwinelle Hall opr@berkeley.edu Office Hours: M 10-11 am, F 1-2 pm

Nasser Meerkhan

Ph.D., Spanish Literature, University of Virginia (2017)
M.A., Hispanic Studies, Villanova University (2013)
B.A., Spanish Literature, Damascus University, Syria (2011)

Research Interests
Medieval & Early Modern Iberian literature
Women writers of Medieval Iberia and the Middle East
Historiography in Medieval Iberia
Semitic maqamat
Don Quixote

“False Hopes and Flawed Sainthood in Don Quixote: Khiḍr, Al-Mahdī, and the Knight of the Green Coat.” Hispanic...

Clélia Donovan

Senior Lecturer Director of the Portuguese Language Program 5220 Dwinelle Hall cleliadonovan@berkeley.edu Office Hours: W 2:30-3:30 pm, F 9-10 am or by apptm.

Daylet Domínguez

Daylet Domínguez (PhD Princeton University) is an Associate Professor in the Spanish and Portuguese Department of UC Berkeley. She is a scholar of Caribbean and Latin American literature and culture, with special emphasis on travel cultures and costumbrismo; empire, nation and revolution; slavery, race and colonialism, among other topics. Her book, Ficciones etnográficas: literatura, ciencias sociales y proyectos nacionales en el Caribe hispano del siglo XIX (Iberoamericana 2021), studies the interplay of literature and science in nineteenth century Hispanic Caribbean. It...

Justin Davidson

Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015. Spanish Linguistics, Romance linguistics, SLATE (Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education).

Research Expertise and Interests

Sociolinguistics, contact linguistics and language contact, language variation and change, Romance linguistics, quantitative methods (statistics, variable rule analyses for sociolinguistics, and computer software for statistics), sociohistorical linguistics, sociophonetics, bilingualism, Catalan, Spanish, dialectal diversification, non-English language...

Jhonni Carr

Dr. Jhonni Carr holds a PhD in Hispanic Linguistics from the University of California, Los Angeles. She currently teaches in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of California, Berkeley and was previously a Visiting Assistant Professor at UCLA. Specializing in Spanish Sociolinguistics, she investigates the power dynamics of languages in contact in the public space of Southern California and Mexico. She uses interdisciplinary methods to explore these areas’ signage (i.e. linguistic landscape) and residents’ attitudes toward the presence and absence of different...

Daniella Cádiz Bedini

Dani Cádiz Bedini is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at UC Berkeley. Her research centers on hemispheric American literatures, literary exchanges, and anticolonial activism, with a focus on migrations, border crossings, and linguistic exchange. Her book project, tentatively titled Crossing the Americas: Empire, Race, and Translation in the Long Nineteenth Century, examines diverse modes of translation that were harnessed as anti-imperialist work in the Americas during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Dani's writing and reviews have...

Natalia Brizuela

Natalia's work focuses on photography, film and contemporary art, critical theory and aesthetics of both Spanish America and Brazil. She is the author of two books on photography. The first, Fotografia e Império. Paisagens para um Brasil Moderno (Cia das Letras, 2012) is a study of 19th Century photography in Brasil in its relationship to modern state formation, nationalism, modernization and race. The second, ...

Anna Rodas

Visiting Lecturer 5222 Dwinelle Hall arodas@berkeley.edu Office Hours: M, W 9:15-10:15 am