
Ignacio Navarrete

Professor of Medieval and Early Modern Spanish literature, especially poetry, narrative, and poetics; literary theory. Ph. D., Indiana University, 1985. I have just finished a book on narrative culture c. 1520, as reflected in the printing of narrative works, ranging from saints’ lives to the Celestina. The project thus triangulates the history of the book, narrative theory, and close reading. Earlier research focused on Italo-Iberian cultural relations, and on a series of phenomena (Petrarchism, courtiership, narrative theory) that can be seen as metalanguages of an early modern...

Francine Masiello

Professor Emerita frm@berkeley.edu

Francine Masiello holds the Sidney and Margaret Ancker Distinguished Professorship in the Humanities (Emerita) at the University of California, Berkeley. With a long career as a Latin Americanist, she has published on topics ranging from avant-garde movements to a representation of the senses across the Global South. The intersections of gender and cultural history inform most of her work. Of her eleven books, three won prizes from the Modern Language Association and the Latin American Studies...

Emilie Bergmann

Professor Emerita 5229 Dwinelle Hall elb@berkeley.edu Office Hours: T 2-3 pm or by appointment

Dru Dougherty

Professor Emeritus 5213 Dwinelle Hall enigma@berkeley.edu Office Hours: By appointment

Candace Slater

Ph. D., Stanford University, 1975. (Professor) Research interests: Brazilian Literature and Culture; Latin American folk and popular traditions.

Charles Faulhaber

Yale University, B.A. in Latin American Studies (1963) ΦBK, Summa cum laude; M.Phil. (1969), Ph.D. (1969) in Romance Philology. University of Wisconsin, Madison, M.A. in Spanish Language and Literature (1966). Research interests: Medieval Spanish literature, digital humanities, codicology, paleography.

Selected Publications

PhiloBiblon. General Editor. 1.1–. Berkeley: University Library, 1997– [including: Bibliografía Española de Textos Antiguos (BETA), Bibliografia de Textos Catalans Antics (BITECA), and Bibliografia de Textos Antigos Galegos e...