

All News

August 31, 2018

13 September, 2018 | 12:00 pm-2:00 pm 370 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley

August 28, 2018

10 September, 2018 | 12:00 pm-1:30 pm Geballe Room, 220 Stephens Hall

August 20, 2018

The department is very happy to welcome Nathaniel Wolfson, who joins the department as Assistant Professor of Portuguese.  Professor Wolfson received his PhD from Princeton University, and he comes to Berkeley from a post-doctoral appointment at Harvard University.  His research and teaching focus on modern Brazilian literature and culture.

Do you want to get work experience in a Spanish speaking environment? Are you interested in giving back to the community and in developing skills associated with specific sectors (e.g. education, public health, human rights, environmental justice)?

The Global Poverty and Practice (GPP) Minor, in association with the Spanish Department and the UC Education Abroad Program is offering the opportunity to complete the GPP minor with an internship in Mexico or Chile through the UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP).

5 September, 2018 | 5:00 pm-7:00 pm Geballe Room, 220 Stephens Hall

August 14, 2018

August 12, 2018

August 8, 2018

Sponsored by the UCB Center for Teaching and Learning, STIR (Showcase of Teaching Innovation and Reinvention) celebrates and highlights excellent teaching in our campus.

March 31, 2018

13 April, 2018 | 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Spanish & Portuguese Library, 5125 Dwinelle Hall

March 26, 2018

6 April, 2018 | 1:00 pm-3:00 pm 5125 Dwinelle Hall

March 15, 2018

Beginning Spanish for the Medical Professions

March 7, 2018

BIG GIVE—SEIZE THE MOMENT MARCH 8th!  The Cal experience is made up of so many moments. Moments of realization. Moments of glory. Moments of truth. A-ha moments and moments you’ll remember for the rest of your days. You can make more Berkeley moments happen during Big Give, our day of online giving March 8, helping us maintain our position as the No. 1 public university in the world as we approach our 150th anniversary. Visit and donate today!

February 26, 2018

12 March, 2018 | 11:30 am-12:30 pm

January 27, 2018

7 February, 2018 | 12:00 pm-2:00 pm 370 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley

January 4, 2018

December 11, 2017

Congratulations to Jenelle Thomas for completing the Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures this fall semester 2017. Jenelle's dissertation is entitled “'Vous êtes hombre de bien:' A study of bilingual family letters to and from colonial Louisiana, 1748-1867."

December 5, 2017

Congratulations to the following students for completing the Ph.D. in Hispanic Languages and Literatures this fall semester 2017.

Jacqueline Bialostozky with a dissertation titled "Aesthetics of the Surface: Post-1960s Latin America Queer Rewritings of the Baroque."

Dexter Zavalza Hough-Snee with a dissertation titled "Alienation in the Andes: Labor and Cultural Disenfranchisement in Colonial Peru, 1570-1640."

Congratulations are extended to Poema Quesado Valente and Felix Treviño  for passing the Qualifying Examination in Hispanic Languages and Literatures this semester-fall 2017.

November 28, 2017

We note with great concern the proposal currently before the US Congress that aims to tax graduate students on tuition remissions.

According to theChronicle of Higher Education:

Nationwide, about 55 percent of all graduate students had adjusted gross incomes of $20,000 or less... and nearly 87 percent reported incomes of $50,000 or less. At the same time, master’s-degree students received tuition waivers averaging nearly $11,000, and doctoral students got waivers averaging more than $13,600.

November 2, 2017

16 November, 2017 | 4:00 pm-6:00 pm Geballe Room, 220 Stephens Hall