Degrees Granted (1952-1980)

The following table chronologically lists Ph.D. degrees conferred from 1952 to 1980. Asterisks (**) after the dissertation title indicate that a copy is on file in the Departmental Library, 5125 Dwinelle.

For degrees granted before 1952, a page is available here:

For degrees granted after 1980, pages are available here:

1952 Ellison, Fred Pittman The Novel of Brazil’s Northeast Torres-Rioseco
1952 García-Girón, Edmundo The Adjective: A Contribution to the Study of Modernist Poetic Diction Montesinos
1952 Ross, Cecilia Lope de Vega, La hermosa Ester: An Edition with Introduction and Notes Montesinos
1952 Seamans, Theodore Eugene An Author-Theme Index to the Works of Juan Valera Montesinos
1953 Estermann, Hannah Luis Quiñones de Benavente: His Technique of the Interlude Montesinos
1953 Keller, Daniel Schneck Early Modernist Literary Theories in Spanish Torres-Rioseco
1953 Schade, George Dewey, Jr. Classical Mythology in the Modernista Poetry of Spanish America Torres-Rioseco
1954 McCullough, Joe Thompson The Spanish of Antioquian Oriente (Colombia) Kany
1955 Chadwick, John Rouse Main Currents in the Venezuelan Novel from Romero García to Gallegos Torres-Rioseco
1955 Markrich, William L. The Viaje de Turquía: A Study of its Sources, Authorship, and Historical Background Montesinos
1956 Arriola, Paul Manuel The Viaje a Jerusalem: A Contribution to the study of Spanish Travel Literature Montesinos
1956 Bary, David Alan The Poetry of Vicente Huidobro Torres-Rioseco
1956 Polt, John Herman Richard Eduardo Mallea and the Contemporary Argentine Novel Torres-Rioseco
1956 Reynolds, John Joseph A Study and Critical Edition of Tirso de Molina’s El condenado por desconfiado Montesinos
1956 Rivas, Enrique Manuel de La obra de Enrique de Mesa Montesinos
1956 Very, Francis George The Corpus Christi Procession in Spain: A Literary and Folkloric Study Montesinos
1957 Anderson, Robert Roland A Study of the Theory of the Novel in Representative Spanish-American Authors Torres-Rioseco
1957 Gramberg, Eduard Johannes El humorismo de Leopoldo Alas, “Clarín” Montesinos
1957 Zeidner, Betty J. Cervantine Aspects of the Novelistic Art of Benito Pérez Galdós Montesinos
1958 Holton, James Stafford The Evolution of Attitudes Toward the Social Classes in the Chilean Novel Torres-Rioseco
1960 Allen, Rupert Clyde Jr. Structure in the Poetry of Antonio Machado Torres-Rioseco
1960 Otero, Carlos Peregrín La poesía de Luis Cernuda Torres-Rioseco
1961 Wing, George Gordon Octavio Paz: Poetry, Politics, and the Myth of the Mexican Torres-Rioseco
1961 Campbell, Brenton Kay The Literary Themes of Ramón Pérez de Ayala Morby
1961 Giles, Mary Elizabeth Gottinberg Descriptive Artistry in the Novels of Emilia Pardo Bazán Montesinos
1961 Schwartz, Rosalind J. El Cancionero Manuscrito 3168 de la Biblioteca Nacional (siglo XVI) Rodríguez-Moñino
1962 Lozada, Alfredo Ruiz Contribución al estudio crítico de Residencia en la tierra de Pablo Neruda Shadi
1962 Scott, Joseph Reid Relativism: The Key to the Dramatic Art of Jacinto Benavente Shadi
1962 Lozano, Carlos Rubén Darío in Spain: 1892-1916 Torres-Rioseco
1963 Scari, Robert Mario La formación literaria de Lugones Torres-Rioseco
1963 Askins, Arthur Lee A Critical Edition and Study of the Cancioneiro de Evora in Manuscript CXIV/1-17, of the Public Library of Evora, Portugal Monguió
1963 Randolph, Donald Allen Eugenio de Ochoa y el romanticismo español Monguió
1964 Boarino, Gerald Louis Alonso de Cartagena’s Doctrinal de los Caballeros: Text, Tradition, and Sources Del Piero
1964 Ezcurdia, Manuel de La aparición del grupo “Contemporáneos” en la poesía y en la crítica mexicanas, 1920-1931 Alegría
1964 Urbistondo, Vicente Manifestaciones naturalistas en la novela chilena: D’Halmar, Orrego Luco, y Edwards Bello Torres-Rioseco
1964 Bryant, William C. Lucas Fernández and the Early Spanish Drama Shadi
1964 Smith, Paul Clarence Vicente Blasco Ibáñez: A Critical Survey of the Novels from 1894-1909 Montesinos
1965 Koldewyn, Phillip Young Alfonso Reyes as a Critic of Peninsular Spanish Literature Torres-Rioseco
1965 Gericke, Philip Otto The Invencionario of Alfonso de Toledo: Edition, with Introductory Study and Notes Del Piero
1965 Meinhardt, Warren Lee The Mexican Indianist Novel: 1910-1960 Torres-Rioseco
1965 Vranich, Stanko Don Juan de Arguijo (1567-1622): Su Vida Monguió
1966 Hammarstrand, Robert Edward The Comic Spirit in the Plays of Enrique Jardiel Poncela Shadi
1966 Mortenson, Barbara Jeanne The Lyrical Elements in Spanish Balladry from 1580 to 1650 Montesinos
1967 Anderson, James Anthony Juan del Encina: Aesthetics of His Poetry Monguió
1967 García-Castañeda, Salvador Las ideas literarias en España entre 1840 y 1850 Montesinos
1967 Weeter, Raymond Davis The Modern Novel of the City in Mexico Torres-Rioseco
1969 MacDonald, James Kelvin Motivos autóctonos en el pensamiento ensayístico de México en el siglo XX Monguió
1969 Fainberg, Louise Olga “Tratado sobre el título de Duque,” Ms. del siglo XV, inédito, atribuido a Juan de Mena. Edición crítica y estudio lingüístico y literario Rodríguez-Moñino
1969 Gomez, Valerie Masson The Origin of capítulo as a Metric Term, and its use in the poetry of Italy, Spain, and Portugal Shadi
1970 Randolph, Julian F. Vida y obra de Pedro Liñán de Riaza (2 vols.) Rodríguez-Moñino
1970 García-Pandavenes, Elsa El Censor (1781-1787): A Study of an Essay Periodical of the Spanish Enlightenment Montesinos
1971 Brodey, Vivana The Coplas de Mingo Revulgo: edición paleográfica y estudio en presencia de los siete manuscritos conocidos Askins
1971 Miller, Norman Curtis An Analysis of Federico García Lorca’s Poema del cante jondo Shadi
1972 Hollingsworth, Charles The Development of Literary Theory in Cuba, 1958-1968 Monguió
1972 Bellver, Catherine G. The Poetic World of Juan José Domenchina (1898-1969) Monguió
1972 Bremermann, María Isabel Ideas literarias en España de 1850 a 1860 Monguió
1973 Alvarez, Nicolás Emilio La obra literaria de Jorge Mañach (1898-1961) Monguió
1973 Dimitriou, Agnes Liakos Salvador Bermúdez de Castro en el romanticismo español Monguió
1973 Marianella, Conchita Herdman A Study of the “Doña Rodríguez” Episode of Don Quijote, Part II (1615) as Part of the Larger Theme of Dueñas and Doncellas Monguió
1973 Miller, Beth Kurti Jaime Torres Bodet’s constructive poetry: a study of Cripta and its contexts Monguió
1974 Imes, Marilyn Maridyth Short Stories of Angel de Campo (“Micros”): A Critical Evaluation Chapman
1974 Norden, Ernest Elwood The Development of Imagery and Symbol in the Works of Gabriel Miró Morby
1974 Benmayor, Rina Romances judeo-españoles de Oriente recogidos en la costa occidental de los Estados Unidos Askins
1975 Lekatis, Nikolaos Predictions and Omens in Calderón Morby
1975 Sylvester, Nigel The life and Poetical Works of Jorge Cuesta (Mexico, 1903-1942) Monguió
1975 Cozad, Mary Lee An Annotated Edition of a Sixteenth Century Novel of Chivalry: Damasio de Frías y Balboa’s Lidamarte de Armenia; with introductory study (4 vols.) Askins
1976 Carpenter, Dwayne Eugene Biblical Elements in the Libro de buen amor Shadi
1976 Mauleón, Judith Hosler El Romancero de Barcelona (Ms. 125 de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Barcelona), Edición y Estudio Askins
1977 Black, Robert Greenough The Fifteenth Century Spanish Cancionero Ms. Esp. 226 of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (Edition and Study) Askins
1977 Greco, Mary Elizabeth Luis Hurtado de Toledo: A Bibliographical- Critical Study and an Edition of his Trecientas en Defensa de illustres mugeres Morby
1977 Smith, Richard Taylor The Patinuples, Conde de Bles. A Bibliographical and Critical Study of the Earliest Known Edition, Its Sources and Later Structural Modifications Askins
1977 Teleki, Beatriz Eggers La poesía argentina de Evaristo Carriego Monguió
1978 Boulware-Miller, Patricia Nature in Three Negrista Poets: Nicolás Guillén, Emilio Ballagas and Luis Palés Matos Chapman
1978 Bergquist, Inés El narrador en la novela histórica española de la época romántica Polt
1978 Geist, Anthony La poética de la Generación del 27 y las revistas literarias: De la vanguardia al compromiso (1918-1936) Monguió
1978 Vegas-García, María Irene Sobre la estructura del lenguaje poético de César Vallejo en Trilce Monguió
1979 Ramírez, Frank Anthony Tratado de la comunidad (Biblioteca de El Escorial Ms. S-11-8) Walsh
1979 Riss, Barbara Ann Pero Díaz de Toledo’s Proverbios de Séneca: An Annotated Edition of Ms. S-II-10 of the Escorial Library Walsh
1979 Rubio de la Llave, Carlos Lectura semántica de La Celestina Faulhaber
1979 Urbina, Eduardo Sancho Panza ‘escudero sin par,’ Parodia y creación en Don Quijote (1605-1615) Murillo
1979 González, Bernardo Antonio The Evolution of Juan Goytisolo’s Narrative Technique: Time, Character, and Point of View Dougherty
1979 Handy, Otis The Spanish American décima and Nicomedes Santa Cruz Durand
1980 Beane, Carol Anne The Characterization of Blacks and Mulattoes in Selected Novels from Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru Chapman
1980 Rivkin, Laura Madelaine Eclectic Naturalism in the Novels of Leopoldo Alas, “Clarín” (2 vols.) Polt