Education: University of California, Berkeley, 9/61-6/65, Ph.D. 6/67
Research: historical grammar of Spanish, medieval Spanish literature, colonial literature of the Southwest.
Romance Philology, Volume 60 (2006) Homage Issue. Special Combined Issue of Romance Philology In Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Romance Philology: A homage volume dedciated to Jerry R. Craddock, containing a selection of his obra dispersa on Romance historical linguistics.
Palabra de rey: selección de estudios sobre legislación alfonsina. Volumen ofrecido en homenaje por sus colegas y amigos. Eds. and Trans. Heather Bamford and Isreal Sanz Sánchez. SEMYR, Homenaje, 6. Salamanca: Seminario de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas; Sociedad de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas, 2008.
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