Spanish and Portuguese Hosts Eulàlia Miralles Jori in partnership with the Institut Ramon Llull

March 11, 2025

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese welcomes Eulàlia Miralles as part of our on going collaboration with the Institut Ramon Llull. Prof. Miralles specializes on literary culture from the 15th to 19th centuries, especially non-fiction works like historiography, chronicles, diaries, and memoirs, with an emphasis on the Baroque period. Her reserach interests expand from textual criticism (Catalan, Spanish, and Latin) to cultural history, political literature, Catalan identity, and gender studies, focusing in particular on secular women. Her most recent publications include the anthology Versos per vèncer. Poesia de la guerra dels Segadors (2 vol., Barcelona, Barcino). She is currently a professor at the Universitat de València and Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago. 

While visiting UC Berkeley, Prof. Eulàlia Miralles Jori will give two talks in our department, both on Tuesday, March 18th: 

  • “La mujer escribe. Espacios y géneros para la escritura femenina en la Edad Moderna” 

11 am - 12:30 pm 

Dwinelle 219 - Survey of Spanish Literature 

(Hosted by Prof. Nasser Meerkhan)

This talk will be in Spanish

  La mujer escribe. Espacios y géneros para la escritura femenina en la edad moderna

  • “Llengua i política: un binomi històric? Les llengües dels territoris de parla catalana”

1 pm - 2 pm

Dwinelle 5125 Library of the Department of Spanish & Portuguese - Catalan 102

(Hosted by Lect. Ana B. Redondo-Campillos)

This talk will be in Catalan

 Language and Politics in Catalan Territories

Eulàlia Miralles Jori (Barcelona, 1971) studied Catalan Philology at the Universitat de Barcelona (1994) and earned her PhD there in 2001. She has held research and teaching positions at various institutions, including the Universitat de Girona, Universidad de Córdoba, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and Universitat de València, where she is currently an associate professor of Catalan Philology. She has also taught at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and as a visiting professor at universities in Nottingham, Roma-Tre, Venice, and Sassari.

She is a member of the Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana (Universitat de València / Universitat d'Alacant / Universitat Jaume I),  and the Center for Catalan Studies (UC Santa Barbara), and she is currently directing the Aula Carles Riba (Universitat de Barcelona / Institut d'Estudis Catalans).