An interview-style conversation between Adriana Lisboa and Prof. Candace Slater on writing and thinking in English and Portuguese with an emphasis on translation in all senses of the word. Particular emphasis on the movement between multiple languages. Sponsored by the Townsend Center Art of Writing Program
The following is a schedule of public events involving our Distinguished Brazilian Writer, Adriana Lisboa, for this week and next. Lisboa is a Brazilian author who has published short stories, children’s books, poetry, and novels, including Symphony in White, which won the José Saramago Award and was shortlisted for the PEN Translation Prize. Her books have been translated and published in twenty countries. She is particularly interested in questions of translation and of the boundaries among different sorts of literary and artistic forms. The co-sponsors of Lisboa's stay are the Townsend Center for the Humanities, the Center for Latin American Studies, and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
Tuesday, April 4. 4 p.m., Center for Latin American Studies Conference Room. Poetry out of Place: Readings and Conversation with Adriana Lisboa and Leonel Alvarado. (Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies.) Alvarado is a Honduran poet who has published many poetry collections, including El reino de la zarza (EDUCA Latin American Poetry Award), and Xibalbá, Texas (Rogelio Sinán Central American Poetry Award. He directs the Spanish Program at Massey University of New Zealand, where he currently lives and is presently collaborating with Adriana Lisboa on several projects.
Wednesday, April 5. 3:30-5:30. Townsend Center, Geballe Room (220 Stephens Hall). (Sponsored by the Townsend Center Art of Writing Program.) An interview-style conversation between Adriana Lisboa and Prof. Candace Slater on writing and thinking in English and Portuguese with an emphasis on translation in all senses of the word. Particular emphasis on the movement between multiple languages.
Thursday, April 6, 4-6. Department Library, Spanish and Porrtuguese (Floor E, Dwinelle Hall). A conversation between Adriana Lisboa and Leonel Alvarado in Portuguese, Spanish, and English on contemporary poetry and fiction with special emphasis on their recent experiences on the Casas de Las Americas book selection panel this year in Havana.
Wednesday, April 12. 3:30 pm-5:30 pm. Townsend Center (12-15 undergraduates)] Adriana Lisboa and Portuguese poet Ana Luiza Amaral lead a "Writing and Thinking in Two+ Languages Workshop.” The event will involve students writing one paragraph prose descriptions of landscapes, cityscapes, or other places. Students could write in English, Portuguese, or Spanish with special attention paid to (1) the differences between writing landscapes in those languages (2) to the possible expansion of such descriptions (3) and to the use of such descriptions in non-fiction prose.
Friday, April 14. 2:00-4:30. (IES Conference Room (Moses Hall). A conversation in English about poetry with Adriana Lisboa, Ana Luisa Amaral, Claudia Schvartz, and Luisa Futoranksy (the latter two poets are from Argentina.) The event will focus on the relationship between artistic production and cultural studies in a global perspective, raising central questions about the role of language and translation in the negotiation of both the artistic object and its inherent cultural content.