- For mental health concerns: https://uhs.berkeley.edu/caps
- For urgent medical concerns: https://uhs.berkeley.edu/medical/urgent-care-tang-center-campus
- To report an incident of sexual violence or sexual harassment to the campus Title IX office, email Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) at ask_ophd@berkeley.edu
- To report an incident of hate speech or intolerance, visit the UC systemwide Ethics point portal
- If your virtual space experiences intrusive or abusive behavior, report it by email to zoom-misuse@berkeley.edu
- To report a crime: contact the campus police department (UCPD). Emergency number: 510-642-3333. Non-emergency number: 510-642-6760
- If you are concerned about a student who is experiencing or causing distress, submit a Care Report to the Center for Support and Intervention.